Civil Disobedience
Quote 1: “The
government is best which governs not at all; and when men are prepared for it,
that will be the best kind of government which they will have.”
quote can be easily supported by people who have been oppressed by their
government as well as people who are outside of the spectrum. The government
can be easily manipulated and abused by parties or people as well as it could
be executed in positive reinforcing ways. Thoreau supports his statement
quoting “Witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few
individuals using the standing government as their tool,” (Thoreau 16-18). In history, a government
ruled by few individuals or multiple is a reoccurring theme, even in the modern
day world. Such modern countries under authority rule are North Korea, Belarus,
Laos, Vietnam, Hungary, Burkina Faso, etc. Thoreau was not speaking of full out
anarchy but a time where less people can be governed and men are more honest,
especially throughout the government
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