October 28, 2013
“History” said Joyce’s Dedalus is a nightmare
from which I am trying to wake. But we do not awake. Though we constantly make a
heroic attempt to rise to a level ethnically superior to nature, our own
nature, again and again we suffer a fall- brought low by some outburst of
madness because of the limiting defects inherent in our species. (Baker xv)
Due to our own imperfect features as
humans we are limited to a certain extent, either physically, mentally, and
politically. As humans our bones can only take so much weight, our minds can
only endure so much pain, and it is extremely hard to amount to political power.
Many humans have steeped above most, taking power, but not being able to
control their own characteristics or decisions which are a downfall. For
example, Hitler is no hero, but his personal decision to attack the Russians
took probably the biggest role on why he lost the war, not to mention
economical fragmentation. Everyone wants to amount over everyone else, and
we/you can do it, but the chances are extremely unlikely to succeed, let alone
to succeed for an exceeded amount of time due to our lack of ‘perfect’ qualities.
We must be able to control and conquer ourselves mentally, which most or all
people cannot do. As humans we strive for success, we strive to be better, we
strive to be powerful. Rich or poor we all have the same goal, but ourselves
hold us back from making it and staying.
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